is the budget blown?

Another trip to Managua to see Matthew and talk money. I have been living in fear for the past couple of weeks, wondering how completely over budget this project is going and how the hell I’m going to fund it. This is DDay. If it’s way over, I’ll have to pull the plug. Well, a pleasant (ish) surprise. It is over, but not by an awful lot and there are areas that can be cut. Phew, maybe I can sleep again! (I push to the back of my mind some of the items that are missing and hope that by making cuts here and there it will all work out in the end – it’s got to, I’ve come so far now and I’m determined for this to be a success)

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A Frustrating Nica Time

The next day and a half are spent banging my head against a brick wall. I have found an English speaking accountant which is as lucky and joyous as it gets. He’s not cheap but seems to know his stuff. So now I have to open a bank account in the company name. Not as easy as it looks, despite having given Matthew a Power of Attorney, there’s much toing and froing, more papers are asked for and it’s a NO! Maybe this can be achieved in my absence (fat chance!!)

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Rain and my first bribe

It started at around 4pm yesterday afternoon. It is now 11.15am and the only change is a variation in intensity from I can’t see in front of me to I’m drenched if I step outside my door.  You think it rains a lot in England, well I can tell you, you have seen NOTHING – light drizzle compared to this. And with the rain come the mosquitos. Anyone who know me knows that I am a delicious dish when it comes to those hellish bloodsuckers.

 2.30pm. Turns out it’s not just rain. Hurricane Alma has hit the West coast of Nicaragua, People  are being evacuated, schools have shut in Managua, 50 – 70mm rain have fallen on Managua / Leon already. It could be a terrible National disaster. Let’s pray for the best.

As an aside, I would love someone to explain to me why there is gallons of water falling from the sky but none coming out of the taps. What a place!

Anyway, today I partook in my first “bribe”. I had to jump in a lawyers car at 7am with my $300 in my paws in the hope that he can persuade someone to plead my case to get the other island registered into my name. Hopefully a small price to pay, as long as the fee doesn’t suddenly increase beyond limits which I have a feeling it will do.

Somehow I predict that today will be spent with my trusty computer wondering if the rain will ever stop.

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Managua and the frustrations of Nicaragua

The following couple of days spent fighting on dangerously overcrowded buses  with the driver constantly shouting down his mobile to and from Managua, not acheiving a lot. Well, something I suppose. Biggest thing acheived was negotiating a deal with Edgar that I think we can both live with for the rental of the mainland and the neighbouring island.  Most frustrating was all the hanging around for meetings and waiting for offices to open after lunch only to be told that my police record is now out of date by one month so my residency has to wait until I reapply in the UK for an updated record (6-8 weeks – how ironic that it only takes a couple of days to get this here in a developing country!). Luckily I haven’t done anything untoward between then and now!!

So, it has become neccesary to start the ball rolling on the financial mountains here. I need to set up a bank account which requires various approvals, documents, letter from my UK bank, personal references from people here,etc etc. (Hang on, I want to bring money into the country – what is the problem with that??!!). Step 1 is to meet with the accountant – guess what, she’s on holiday. Aargghh – maybe her daughter can help? Maybe we can find an alternative? The time to achieve all my goals of this trip is running away. I have to keep remembering that I am in Central America where nothing is rushed, time has no meaning and I need to get this done NOW is a sentance that is not understood. Part of the rich tapestry of life!

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Tied to the computer

..updating this, sorting through some UK stuff etc etc. Time flies and it’s nearly time to take my friend Janek to the island – I’ll be interested in what she has to say as she has spent many years in the hotel industry.

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A little calm

…..and a rotten hangover – rum, wine, tequila – not a good mix, let that be a lesson to me! Spend the day hanging around the apartment doing computer work and arranging meetings for later in the week.  Spend a lovely evening with some friends eating food (partly cooked by my own fair hands – I can if I want to!) and drinking wine.

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Hans and I depart for Managua to meet with Matthew in his workshop and go through our many suggestions and findings. Matthew takes it all on board and then to the drawing board. We check out one of his “pre-fab” designs before lunch and after a quick visit from the lawyers. The words on everyone’s lips are COSTS and BUDGETS. Am I really that crazy that I still have no idea what all this is going to cost me??!! Yes! Another make or break – if this has gone over my original budget, I’m in trouble!

I see Hans off at the airport, do some shopping (my fridge here is now fuller than the one in the UK which only ever contains booze and condiments!) and return to the apartment.

I meet with Nadine and Lily (who owns the apartment) and we go for a curry and sangria at the Tercer Ojo where the owner treats us to after dinner shots and an introduction to a great masseusse – appointment booked! Then off to karaoke again – anyone would think I liked it – I don’t, I like watching othere people making fools of themselves! Well, there was this one girl – probably about 17, a bit hippy looking, very shy and unassuming and I swear, the most incredible voice I have ever heard, the hairs stood up on my arms. She said she has never had any training, just a musical family. I gave her my card as I’ve got to know someone that could discover her – I hope she emails rather than thinking I was just some drunk old woman talking shit!!

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Plans, research and discussions

Hans and I take a tourist boat to the island in order that he can see the experience the guests will have – it’s a good one! The lake is tranquil and quite beautiful. Hans skips over the island looking at views, plans in one hand, trusty notebook in the other. We then retire to the city of Granada and have a poke around the so called luxury hotels of Granada. Our concept though is not to compete with the hotels, we are creating our own market, giving the client a completely different experience.

We drop into the 2 main higher end travel agents in the city who I have actually spoken with before and who Hans knows from before when he used to work in Nicaragua. We pump them for information about the market in general and the marketability of the hotel.

After lunch Hans returns to his spreadheets and I to the  computer and the pool.

We meet at 6pm over an ice cold beer to discuss the findings, Hans with a rejigged budget and heaps of good observations and suggestions. We really are singing from the same hymn sheet. As per, there are some suggestions that will need design changes – 3 steps forward, 2 back!! All in all though, we are both really pleased with the outcomes and feel a lot more positive and truly excited. As Hans says, I’m in for a difficult and challenging few years but all the signs are there for a successful venture.

We meet with Ben and go for a very pleasant dinner at Jimmy 3 Fingers. Sense prevails and rather than staying on drinking with some friends that happened to be in the restaurant, I go home.

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Hans arrives

As the title suggests, Hans from Cayuga  arrives ( This is make or break. He has been looking at the budgets and now has to see if the island and design and all of the ideas behind it are feasible. I must admit to being a bit nervous. Sometimes it’s hard to look at something so close to you objectively. So, myself, Hans, Matthew and Ben go out to the island. Although the weather (here we go again!) threatens a storm of torrential proportions, we manage to stay dry.

 I’ve got walls! And a path. And our first cabin (well, it’s a shack really, for the on duty guard). Oh my, this is when reality strikes!

Unfortunately the local workers got the wrong end of the stick when asked to clear some shrubbery and went to their traditional slash and burn method. Luckily nothing was too badly damaged and the land will recover. They  have been told in no uncertain terms that this is not how we are doing things – a learning curve indeed.

I break the news to Matthew that the spa island will need a total redesign which doesn’t unnerve him one little bit (well, not outwardly anyway!) and we talked through some ideas. I got back to the appartment at around 7pm, thoroughly exhausted. I think Hans is pleased with the situation and size and general layout – phew. We arrange to meet early the next morning in order that he can feel the ambiance in the morning.

I get a takeout BBQ chicken, watch some crap tv (just like a night in in the UK) and turn in early.

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Back to my apartment. Nearly didn’t make it (again). This time it was American Eagle (part of American Airlines, not Mickey Mouse airlines). They loaded up our plane, then said due to the weight and inbalance of the aircraft, 2 people had to get off. No one shifted. So, they took off anyway – I (and everyone else) was just a little scared!!

Sunday was marvellous, lounging by the pool all day. I was expecting to have a head to head with Ben and Matt (ok to keep this simple, the architect is Matthew, the Project Manager’s assistant is Matt!) but it can wait until tomorrow.

 Unfortunately, Matt has had to rush back to the US as he has a serious eye infection that needs immediate treatment and they aren’t as well equipped here to deal with it despite the fact the hospitals are very good.

 I went out to karaoke (no I did NOT sing, I wouldn’t inflict that on anyone!) and drank rather too much rum! Welcome back!!

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