Catch Up

This is probably the time I should have been blogging like crazy, telling you of the highs and lows and details of the last month before opening. But I have been exhausted and the last thing I want to do after a day running around and stressing is sit back at my computer. Rather a cold beer and a bit of R and R. So, I thought I’d give a rough precis of my life in the last month (has it really been a month? My has time flown).

Hans came over for a couple of days and we (he) set a date for opening – December 16th. We have our first guests coming for definate over the holidays but will be ready to open 16th (say it enough, it becomes true). We have an uphill journey and the pressure is on.

My quest to learn Spanish had a brief up when I started dating a Spanish guy who spoke no English but in true Karen fashion, I lost interest and found I didn’t have the time or energy to give it any attention (Spanish and the guy!)

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