A call from my lawyer causes me to have a significant hissy fit. Despite him telling me that he was absolutely sure and had double checked at the relevant office, we still didn’t have the correct power of attorney to get the “RUC” This was meant to be done 4 weeks ago, the same problem they had today they had then. It should have been sorted whilst I was away. aaarrrgghhh. Anyway, it transpires that he can do a different POA there and then for the accountant and get it all done. Why didn’t he say that in the first place??
Anyway, the first people to arrive were Matthew and Cesia to go over developments, changes, time lines etc. Then off to the bank to take out yet more money to pay someone something. I feel like I’m putting my hand into my pockets constantly. Oh for a bank account!
Then come Francois, Glen and Sunshine (spa man and his yogi wife). I’d decided it would be nice to take the boat to the island rather than the bone rattling road. We met up with Ben and Chris (plants) at the dock.
We arrived at the island to find my brand new dock. I’d seen the pictures but it was overexciting to see it in real life!
With all the workers, I guess there must have been 30 of us on the island checking the progress and talking foliage.
Whilst on “Spa Island” Chris and Matthew go off on flights of fancy with what sounds like preposterous ideas. However, the outcome is to have a “living spa” with the walls of the rooms all being built out of plants and woven in and around the trees. I belive it would be the first of its kind anywhere.