I move into Lesley and Bruce’s marvelous apartment. Nadene (friend and “details manager”) and Lesley are still negotiating on the lease – maybe I shouldn’t have stayed for the conversation. Lesley and Bruce are meant to be going on a South American adventure but have been held up for a bit so I’ll be staying with them in the apartment. It’s a bit like being a guest rather than being in my own place but they are a lovely couple and we all get on well.
I visit my first lawyer to ball him out about why the hell my other island hasn’t been registered yet thinking him useless (well he has taken an absolute age about it). He tells me that the government have decided to enforce a law that essentially says that all land adjacent to water cannot be registered and that in fact they own it – AAARRGGHHH. What now? My other island is in limbo and El-Jicaro cannot be registered to Decadent which means changing loads of documentation , I have to become a resident, I have more liabilities and I may have to pay rent on something I already own.
A trip to the island and it turned out to be a bit of a party. Matthew, Ben, another Matthew (Matt) who will be Ben’s assistant, Mitch and various memebers of his family (he is also building a hotel and spa but on the mainland) and last but not least – Skip – an intense artist who apparantly used to live in a cave and has no worldly posessions and is a dab hand with rocks – something there is no shortage of on the island. Once again my fears are assuaged as the peace and beauty of he island washes over me.
Matthew, Matt Ben and I sit down afterwards to chat about progress and logistics and the conversation takes an awkward turn which leaves things up in the air a bit.
I meet Ben the following day for breakfast prior to visiting an accountant with him and Matt and we talk about yesterday’s awkwardness. I need to see Matthew to get everything clear in my head to determine how we all best take this project forward. On the up side, the accountant seemed very switched on and knows what she is doing which is good. Matt and I go over to Mitch’s for lunch, get a building site tour and see some of Skip’s work. They tell me that I’m being very calm about the registration problems but what can I do. I still think that the project should go ahead. Anyway governments change and change their minds!
Matt and Ben pop over to the apartment for pre dinner drinks and we try out a new veggie restaurant (reminds me of student food!) and a nightcap at their friend’s new bar – very nice too!